Since early December the remaining fields of sugar beet have been harvested and those fields have now been ploughed ready for drilling spring barley in March 2009.  You may notice a big heap of sugar beet on the concrete pad at Trickers Farm.  These are being stored until they are taken to the sugar beet factory to be turned into sugar.   The fodder beet have also been harvested and are being stored at Bridges Farm where they are being fed to the cattle and sheep.

Bridges Farm is the base for livestock, all the cattle were housed and wormed in late October.  The cows were checked for pregnancy using ultra sound scanning.  Out of the 75 cows and heifers scanned 62 were found to be in calf including 1 pair of twins.  Most of the cows are Simmental crosses but about 15 of them are pedigree British Blues.  All the cows are served by a British Blue bull.  Last year’s calves, which are now 10 months old and weigh about 400kg, are being fed fodder beet and home grown cereals (wheat and barley).   Each calf is gaining weight at a little over 1kg a day.

The sheep have also been pregnancy scanned. They usually have singles, twins, triplets or very occasionally quads. This year the sheep are averaging 1.6 lambs per ewe and are due to start lambing in March.

My brother David and I keep Quail, we have about 65 quail in 2 sheds.  David and I do most of the work which includes caring for the quail, collecting and boxing the eggs.  We sell our eggs at Hollow Trees Farm Shop as well as privately.  In December we sold 109 dozen quail eggs which was our 6th highest monthly sales!

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